In some cases, one may want to exclude extreme simulations from SBC (e.g. because those simulations create divergences). It is best to use prior predictive checks to examine your priors and change them to avoid extremes in the simulated data. In some cases, this may however be impractical/impossible to do via prior choice - one example are regression coefficients, where once we have many predictors, any independent prior that is not very strict will lead to unrealistic predictions. Joint priors are needed in such case, but those are not well understood and easy to use. See Paul Bürkner’s talk on SBC StanConnect for more context.

An alternative is to use rejection sampling i.e. we repeatedly generate a simulation and only accept it when it passes a certain condition we impose (e.g. that no observed count is larger than 10810^8). But does rejection sampling when generating simulations affect the validity of SBC?

It turns out that it does not as long as the rejection criterion only uses observed data and not the unobserved variables.

We’ll first walk through the math and then show examples of both OK and problematic rejection sampling.

The math

Let 𝚊𝚌𝚌𝚎𝚙𝚝(y)\mathtt{accept}(y) be the probability the the simulated data yy is accepted. Note that 𝚊𝚌𝚌𝚎𝚙𝚝\mathtt{accept} uses only data as input and would usually be a 0-1 function if you have a clear idea what a “bad” dataset looks like, but could be probabilistic if you’re relying on finicky diagnostics.

We define a variable aBernoulli(𝚊𝚌𝚌𝚎𝚙𝚝(y))a \sim \text{Bernoulli}(\mathtt{accept}(y)). Given the parameter space Θ\Theta and a specific θΘ\theta \in \Theta, this implies a joint distribution π(θ,y,a)\pi(\theta, y, a) that factorizes as π(θ,y,a)=π(a|y)π(y|θ)π(θ)\pi(\theta, y, a) = \pi(a|y)\pi(y | \theta)\pi(\theta). We can then look at the posterior conditional on accepting a dataset to see the claimed invariance:

π(θ|y,a=1)=π(a=1|y)π(y|θ)π(θ)Θdθ̃π(a=1|y)π(y|θ̃)π(θ̃)=π(y|θ)π(θ)Θdθ̃π(y|θ̃)π(θ̃)=π(θ|y) \begin{equation} \pi(\theta | y, a = 1) = \frac{\pi(a = 1 | y) \pi(y | \theta)\pi(\theta)}{\int_\Theta \mathrm{d}\tilde\theta \: \pi(a = 1 | y) \pi(y | \tilde\theta)\pi(\tilde\theta)} = \frac{\pi(y | \theta)\pi(\theta)}{\int_\Theta \mathrm{d}\tilde\theta \: \pi(y | \tilde\theta)\pi(\tilde\theta)} = \pi(\theta | y) \end{equation}

So whether we take rejection into account or not, the model will match the generating process. However, if 𝚊𝚌𝚌𝚎𝚙𝚝\mathtt{accept} also depended on θ\theta, it would no longer contribute a constant and we’ll get a mismatch between the generator and model.

Practical examples

So let’s see if that also happens in practice. Let’s setup our environment:

use_cmdstanr <- getOption("SBC.vignettes_cmdstanr", TRUE) # Set to false to use rstan instead

if(use_cmdstanr) {
} else {
  rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE)



options(SBC.min_chunk_size = 10)

# Setup caching of results
if(use_cmdstanr) {
  cache_dir <- "./_rejection_sampling_SBC_cache"
} else {
  cache_dir <- "./_rejection_sampling_rstan_SBC_cache"
if(!dir.exists(cache_dir)) {


We’ll use a very simple model throughout this vignette:

cat(readLines("stan/rejection_sampling.stan"), sep = "\n")
data {
   int<lower=0> N;
   array[N] real y;

parameters {
   real mu;

model {
   mu ~ normal(0, 2);
   y ~ normal(mu, 1);
if(use_cmdstanr) {
  backend <- SBC_backend_cmdstan_sample(cmdstan_model("stan/rejection_sampling.stan"), iter_warmup = 800, iter_sampling = 800)
} else {
  backend <- SBC_backend_rstan_sample(stan_model("stan/rejection_sampling.stan"), iter = 1600, warmup = 800)

No rejections

First, we’ll use a generator that matches the model exactly.

N <- 10
generator <- SBC_generator_function(function() {
   mu <- rnorm(1, 0, 2)
     variables = list(mu = mu),
     generated = list(N = N, y = rnorm(N, mu, 1))

So we expect the SBC to pass even with a large number of fits.

datasets <- generate_datasets(generator, 1000)
results <- compute_SBC(datasets, backend, keep_fits = FALSE, 
                    cache_mode = "results", 
                    cache_location = file.path(cache_dir, "no_rejections"))
## Results loaded from cache file 'no_rejections'
##  - 2 (0%) fits had at least one Rhat > 1.01. Largest Rhat was 1.016.
## Not all diagnostics are OK.
## You can learn more by inspecting $default_diagnostics, $backend_diagnostics 
## and/or investigating $outputs/$messages/$warnings for detailed output from the backend.

Indeed, all looks good.

Rejection based on unobserved variables

Now let us modify the generator to reject based on values of an unobserved variable.

generator_reject_unobserved <- SBC_generator_function(function() {
   repeat {
    mu <- rnorm(1, 0, 2)
    if(mu > 3) {
     variables = list(mu = mu),
     generated = list(N = N, y = rnorm(N, mu, 1))

We don’t even need to run very many fits to see the problem.

datasets_reject_unobserved <- generate_datasets(generator_reject_unobserved, 200)
results_reject_unobserved <- compute_SBC(datasets_reject_unobserved, backend, keep_fits = FALSE, 
                    cache_mode = "results", 
                    cache_location = file.path(cache_dir, "reject_unobserved"))
## Results loaded from cache file 'reject_unobserved'


Indeed, we see a clear failure.

Rejecting based on data

But what if we reject based on the values of data? This should in theory result in just a constant change in posterior density and not affect SBC. (SBC will however then check only the non-rejected parts of the data space). We will do a relatively aggressive rejection scheme (reject more than 50% of simulations).

generator_reject_y <- SBC_generator_function(function() {
   repeat {
    mu <- rnorm(1, 0, 2)
    y <- rnorm(N, mu, 1)
    if(mean(y) > 5) {
     variables = list(mu = mu),
     generated = list(N = N, y = y)
datasets_reject_y <- generate_datasets(generator_reject_y, 1000)
results_reject_y <- compute_SBC(datasets_reject_y, backend, keep_fits = FALSE, 
                    cache_mode = "results", 
                    cache_location = file.path(cache_dir, "reject_y"))
## Results loaded from cache file 'reject_y'
##  - 2 (0%) fits had at least one Rhat > 1.01. Largest Rhat was 1.011.
## Not all diagnostics are OK.
## You can learn more by inspecting $default_diagnostics, $backend_diagnostics 
## and/or investigating $outputs/$messages/$warnings for detailed output from the backend.


We see that even with quite heavy rejection based on y, SBC to a high resolution passes.

Take home message

If our priors can sometimes result in simulated data that is unrealistic, but we are unable to specify a better prior directly (e.g. because we would need to define some sort of joint prior), we can use rejection sampling to prune unrealistic simulations as long as we only filter by the observed data and don’t directly use any unobserved variable values. Notably, filtering based on divergences or other fitting issues is also just a function of data and thus permissible. The resulting SBC will however provide guarantees only for data that would not be rejected by the same criteria.