DatasetsGenerating datasets ready for use with SBC and working with them. |
Create new |
Combine multiple datasets together. |
Generate datasets. |
Subset an |
Create a brms generator. |
Wrap a function the creates a complete dataset. |
Generate datasets via a function that creates a single dataset. |
Calculate prior standard deviation of a dataset |
BackendsRepresent various inference engines you can use with SBC. |
Build a backend based on the |
Build a brms backend, reusing the compiled model from a previously created |
Backend based on sampling via |
Backend based on variational approximation via |
S3 generic to get backend-specific default thinning for rank computation. |
Get hash used to identify cached results. |
S3 generic to let backends signal that they produced independent draws. |
A mock backend. |
Create a JAGS backend using |
SBC backend using the |
SBC backend using the |
S3 generic using backend to fit a model to data. |
S3 generic to get backend-specific diagnostics. |
S3 generic converting a fitted model to a |
Computation & resultsFunctions related to running the SBC computation and handling the results. |
Fit datasets and evaluate diagnostics and SBC metrics. |
Create an |
Check diagnostics and issue warnings when those fail. |
Subset the results. |
Combine two lists of derived quantities |
Create a definition of derived quantities evaluated in R. |
Validate a definition of derived quantities evaluated in R. |
Compute derived quantities based on given data and posterior draws. |
Combine two sets globals for use in derived quantities or backend |
Recompute SBC statistics given a single fit. |
Recompute SBC statistics without refitting models. |
Combine multiple SBC results together. |
Calculate ranks given variable values within a posterior distribution. |
S3 generic to get backend-specific diagnostics. |
Get diagnostic messages for |
Determines the default chunk size. |
Determines the default cores per single fit. |
Plotting & SummarisingPlotting and summarising results |
Plot the ECDF-based plots. |
Maybe not export in the end? Useful for debugging |
Prior/posterior contraction plot. |
Plot the observed coverage and its uncertainty. |
Plot rank histogram of an SBC results. |
Plot the simulated "true" values versus posterior estimates |
Guess the number of bins for |
Compute observed coverage of posterior credible intervals. |
Helper functions to be passed to ECDF-plots to combine variables in a single panel. |
Combine two named lists and overwrite elements with the same name using the value from args2 |
ExamplesFunctions to let you easily test the pacakge |
Construct a backend to be used in the examples. |
Construct a generator used in the examples. |
Combine an example backend with an example generator to provide full results that can be used to test other functions in the package. |
Print the Stan code of a model used in the examples. |
Miscellaneous |
Combine two named lists and overwrite elements with the same name using the value from args2 |