Computes the cumulative Jensen-Shannon distance between two samples.
numeric vector of draws from first distribution
numeric vector of draws from second distribution
numeric vector of weights of first distribution
numeric vector of weights of second distribution
distance value based on CJS computation.
The Cumulative Jensen-Shannon distance is a symmetric metric based on the cumulative Jensen-Shannon divergence. The divergence CJS(P || Q) between two cumulative distribution functions P and Q is defined as:
$$CJS(P || Q) = \sum P(x) \log \frac{P(x)}{0.5 (P(x) + Q(x))} + \frac{1}{2 \ln 2} \sum (Q(x) - P(x))$$
The symmetric metric is defined as:
$$CJS_{dist}(P || Q) = \sqrt{CJS(P || Q) + CJS(Q || P)}$$
This has an upper bound of \(\sqrt \sum (P(x) + Q(x))\)
Nguyen H-V., Vreeken J. (2015). Non-parametric
Jensen-Shannon Divergence. In: Appice A., Rodrigues P., Santos
Costa V., Gama J., Jorge A., Soares C. (eds) Machine Learning
and Knowledge Discovery in Databases. ECML PKDD 2015. Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, vol 9285. Springer, Cham.